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Colour & Style with the Green Movement

15 June 2011   Category: DESIGNERS

As a self taught artist and designer, I came to love fashion as an art form and as a compelling mode of communication. What we choose to put on and why is another form of non verbal communication. I am continually inspired by others. And collaborating daily with people who use their creative imagination. Everyone has it! But how do we tap into it? The environment is a great place to start. We are all a part of it, but how we feel in our skin and our confidence to express ourselves within it can be a challenge. I think of style as being this continuing ability to express ourselves through our individual style, regardless of what is fashionable.

Being able to mix old and new. So that instead of consuming, one de-consumes, a theory of addition by subtraction, where less can be more. Hence the saying “Keep it simple” The minimalist design aesthetic. We need to design better in order to consume less. You are your own canvas! There is no beauty without our health and the health of our environment in which we live in, both of these needs to stay healthy. The exciting thing about today’s global design movement is we are being given opportunities to make eco conscious choices. There are many shifts happening on a global level, and it’s all about how we observe life. Making conscious choices that uphold the dignity and rights of all people to live without exploitation. Choose quality craftsmanship, elegant and respectful of the environment but with a playful attitude to life….the root source is nature if we let her inspire us!

- Joy French. Click to view product range.

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